Here we answer common questions, offer great tips, choose the best HVAC equipment and company, discuss the pros and cons of modernization such as WiFi thermostats, and the benefits of proper maintenance. Questions like:

Have you wondered why air conditioning suddenly stopped working? Or what is the best air conditioner air filter?

repair and maintenance for AC and walkin box near me in Belleville

Belleville Air Conditioning Services Repair 

Our Belleville ac repair cater for residential as well as commercial systems including Packaged Unit, Central Air Conditioner, or Ductless Mini-Split.

We start by strongly recommending a Belleville ac tune up program, carried out by one of our professional HVAC Services technicians. Over the years, air conditioning tune up have proven to be a more affordable alternative than last-minute emergency heating and air conditioning repair service calls, or a new air conditioning replacement.

"By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail." Benjamin Franklin

Even though we strongly annual air conditioning maintenance, contrary to common practice we do NOT recommend checking Freon levels unless it is done with special Low Freon Loss gages. There are hints of a low freon charge. Symptoms like ac freezing up or air conditioning not cooling are usually misattributed to freon leaks while the real causes could be dramatically different.

Each air conditioning problem is different and requires a thorough analysis, with our experienced Belleville HVAC company after diagnostics, we give a detailed report to make a replacement or repair decision.

Have you been told that Freon R22 is illegal? If so, then you have been misinformed, and here is the truth.

We won’t be satisfied with any of the work we do for you until you’re also satisfied.

Belleville Air Conditioner Tune Up Tips

Here are some important things to do every quarter for people who like DIY projects.

  1. Look at and change air filters as necessary.
  2. Make sure the thermostat reads temperature correctly.
  3. Check the outdoor condenser coils for debris and dirt.
  4. Check the drain pipe and pan for leaks and obstructions. Blow pipe clear as necessary.
  5. Check duct work for leaks, and flex ducts for kinks.
  6. Check supply registers for obstructions and make sure dampers are open.

Typical Industry Norm Residential Tune-up List.

  1. Inspect and replace air filters.
  2. Check and calibrate thermostat settings.
  3. Inspect and tighten electrical connections.
  4. Lubricate moving parts (if applicable).
  5. Check and rinse condenser coils (if required).
  6. Check evaporator coils (if necessary).
  7. Inspect condensate drain line and pan.
  8. Test system controls for proper operation.
  9. Check refrigerant levels and adjust (if necessary).
  10. Inspect and adjust blower components(if necessary).
  11. Verify proper airflow.
  12. Check for refrigerant leaks.
  13. Inspect and test safety controls.
  14. Check and adjust fan belts (if applicable).
  15. Check capacitor.

Here's our suggested maintenance list for residential central air conditioning in Northern NJ. This list is tailored by ACACOS to suit the needs of our customers in this region. While this is a general list, we often adjust the services based on individual situations. Sometimes we may perform additional tasks when necessary, or fewer tasks when not applicable. After providing a quote, we customize and optimize the list according to the specific age and requirements of the system.

  1. Check Thermostat Temperature and Operations.
  2. Check, Replace Air Filters or recommend valuable advice.
  3. Check Electrical Connections for tightness and eliminate potential rubouts
  4. Inspect Safety Controls
  5. Measure Refrigerant (Freon) Level
  6. Measure Temperature Supply / Return
  7. Adjust Summer / Winter Damper (if applicable)
  8. Condensation Drain System (Check Condensation Pump functionality / Blow Lines Clear)
  9. Inspect Duct Work for Leakage, proper insulation, and Obstructions
  10. Check Copper Lineset for vibration RubOut and eliminate potential leaks
  11. Check Copper Line Insulation
  12. Measure Compressor Amp Draw and compare to specifications
  13. Check Contactor
  14. Measure Capacitor Values
  15. Rinse Condenser Coil (if necessary)
  16. Check Evaporator Coil (if accessible)
  17. Check Blower Motor Blades
  18. Measure Blower Motor Amp Draws and compare to specifications
  19. Inspect overall system performance and provide recommendations if needed.

Residential AC Tune-up Checklist

Beware of claims about a "60-Point Tune-Up"! Scammers might try to trick you with fancy marketing, but there's no such thing as a 60-point tune-up for your residential central air conditioning. Look closely at the details to avoid falling for scams. In reality, a proper maintenance check usually takes between 45 minutes to 1.5 hours per unit. Don't be fooled by lists that promise too much – they're just for show and often include services that could never all happen in a single visit. Stay smart and read the fine print!

  1. Verify proper airflow.
  2. Check for refrigerant leaks.
  3. Inspect and test safety controls.
  4. Check and adjust fan belts (if applicable).
  5. Inspect overall system performance and provide recommendations if needed.
  6. Inspect ductwork for leaks, damage, or inadequate insulation.
  7. Measure temperature supply and return for proper differential.
  8. Check and adjust summer/winter damper settings (if applicable).
  9. Check insulation on refrigerant lines.
  10. Inspect and clean or replace air handler or furnace filter (if applicable).
  11. Check and calibrate thermostat accuracy.
  12. Inspect and tighten electrical wiring connections and terminals.
  13. Test and inspect capacitors for proper rating and condition.
  14. Inspect and clean blower wheel and motor.
  15. Inspect and adjust blower motor belt tension (if applicable).
  16. Check and clean condensate drain line and pan.
  17. Inspect and clean evaporator coil and drain pan.
  18. Check and adjust refrigerant charge as needed.
  19. Inspect and clean outdoor condenser coil.
  20. Test and inspect compressor and fan motor operation.
  21. Inspect and test contactors for proper operation.
  22. Test and inspect safety controls for proper operation.
  23. Inspect and adjust thermostat anticipator settings.
  24. Test and inspect defrost control for proper operation (if applicable).
  25. Inspect and tighten all electrical connections at indoor and outdoor units.
  26. Inspect and test crankcase heater operation (if applicable).
  27. Inspect and test defrost cycle operation (if applicable).
  28. Check and test crankcase heater operation (if applicable).
  29. Inspect and test reversing valve operation (if applicable).
  30. Inspect and clean or replace air filters (if applicable).
  31. Inspect and test low-pressure switches for proper operation.
  32. Inspect and test high-pressure switches for proper operation.
  33. Inspect and test suction line temperature sensor (if applicable).
  34. Inspect and test discharge line temperature sensor (if applicable).
  35. Inspect and test superheat and subcooling levels.
  36. Inspect and test auxiliary heat operation (if applicable).
  37. Inspect and test defrost control operation (if applicable).
  38. Inspect and test economizer operation (if applicable).
  39. Inspect and test humidifier operation (if applicable).
  40. Inspect and test UV light operation (if applicable).
  41. Inspect and test air purifier operation (if applicable).
  42. Inspect and test zoning system operation (if applicable).
  43. Inspect and test ventilation system operation (if applicable).
  44. Inspect and test ductless mini-split system operation (if applicable).
  45. Inspect and test air-to-air heat pump operation (if applicable).
  46. Inspect and test geothermal heat pump operation (if applicable).
  47. Inspect and test variable refrigerant flow (VRF) system operation (if applicable).
  48. Inspect and test energy recovery ventilator (ERV) operation (if applicable).
  49. Inspect and test heat recovery ventilator (HRV) operation (if applicable).

A recommended professional grade detailed Belleville Air Conditioning Maintenance list is provided here. 

Restaurant Equipment Repair & Maintenance in Belleville

We provide professional restaurant equipment repair and consulting services. This is a comprehensive program at no extra cost focused on reducing and hopefully eliminating restaurant unexpected shutdowns and Emergency Service Repairs. Our program includes

Commercial Refrigeration Services

Walk-in Freezer / Cooler

Emergency Walk-In Freezer & Walk-in Cooler Troubleshooting "not-cooling / freezing coils"

emergency walk-in box cooler freezer repair service near me

Fridges and Freezers

Will repair Reach In, Display Units, Pizza Prep Table Sandwich / Salad Prep Table

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Ice Machine / Ice Maker

Diagnostics and repair of Thin-Ice, No-Ice for most brandsbest commercial Ice machine repair near clifton, NJ




Walk-in Cooler & Walk-in Freezer Service

Walk-in coolers and walk-in freezers are the oxygen to restaurants and food and beverage storage businesses. When these systems fail, unless repaired immediately shutdowns cost business owners thousands of dollars in wasted food and more importantly customer loss.

It gets more complicated when OEM replacement parts are not found, take forever to ship, and often under urgent situations, some technicians make temporary patches that end up permanent leading to future problems.

We have seen ice cream business freezers shut down in the middle of summer, the busiest season, a Tune-up preventive maintenance program would have totally eliminated the service call. 

Dirty coils and dirty filters will cause air flow restrictions which will ultimately have an impact on the fans, and compressor making the system work harder and less efficiently and creating the perception of low Freon refrigerant. 

We manage operation-critical hospitals' preventive maintenance to eliminate shutdowns. Get your tune-up service.


A typical Best Practice Walk-in cooler service includes: 

  • Clean the condenser coil
  • Scan for freon Leak
  • Check amps Compressor / Cond & Evap Fans
  • Install infiltration reduction curtains
  • Inspect gaskets
  • Automatically Log Temperature
  • Optimize Defrost Cycle and Termination
  • Ensure the drain line is clean
  • Install excessive open-door alarms reminders

picture of walking freezer ready for repair near Belleville




Ice Makers Repairs & install


ice machine repair services at belleville NJ

The Majority of ice machine repairs are caused by poor installation, poor utilization, or lack of maintenance. Soda lime formation is at the top of the list of problems with ice machines. You can reduce repairs by performing simple ice machine preventive maintenance. 

    1. Water quality (install a water filter for your ice machine)
    2. Routine Cleaning (use manufacturer suggestion)
    3. Soda Lime formation is a natural phenomenon. A reverse osmosis system will extend equipment life
    4. Condenser Coil Cleaning

Usually water quality is similar within a neighborhood with reports published by the city hall. To find out more and get the correct water filter for your ice machine get a report from the township of Belleville NJ, here or here.